Help your servers provide awesome experience and sell more. Stop depending on good memory and experience. Just look at your iPad and see everything that's important.
We display information on the table, guests, and items, such as time passed since last item fired, guest's food preferences and allergies, script for each item with all modifications and upsell opitons, and much more.
Keep ordering and taking payment even when the internet is down. The devices will communicate on a local network, and when the internet is up it'll sync with the cloud servers.
We only use the best tablets, so you will experience the best performance and devices endurance.
Fine Dining features such as Advanced Coursing and Order per Seat, but also Quick Service features like Quick Tab and New Bill.
Don't lose important data. Instead, use it to make better service and generate more money.
No need to take your iPad to pay. Use your EMV instead.
Menu Builder to create your menus fast. Then easy network configuration and you're up.
Such as happy hours or weekly promotions. Easily configured.
Control which menu to show on each interface, depending on the day and time.
Control all your orders from one place. Assign riders and track deliveries in real-time.
Optimize the communication and operation between Front-of-House and Back-of-House.
Take control over the money drawers, cash belts, tips, and all the cash flow.
Easily find the tables, no need to memorize the tables numbering.
Quickly pay with Apple Pay, Google Pay, Ali Pay, etc.
Join Deeper Restaurant Management Ecosystem and increase your profits.